Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Putting Beauty Before Brains When Hiring


Education, achievement, experience and work history – these are the things to consider when hiring the right person for the job.

However, many believe that beautiful people are more likely to make a positive impression during a job interview and thus have a better chance of actually getting hired for a job. Once an attractive person is hired, he or she tends to get a job promotion faster. A recent survey of a group of corporate hiring managers, suggest that 74 percent of interviewers make hiring decisions within the first four minutes of the interview. This was based on certain characteristics such as appearance, handshake, voice and body language/physical built. Lets face it even the prettier babies gets more coos. 

 Physical beauty can come with tremendous power, and incredible benefits. Many researches related to the job market have concluded that beautiful people have several advantages over those who are believe to be less attractive. The current unemployment rate has led to an increased competition on the job market, making it even more important to those looking for employment, to stand out from the crowd. Job-hunters may find themselves battling the beauty bias even more than before. 

A study group at Harvard University, Boston University, and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute found that women wearing more makeup were judged to be more competent than those wearing less makeup or no makeup. Makeup was found to increase people’s perceptions of a woman’s likeability and trustworthiness. 

Studies have also shown that beautiful people are paid more and are believed to make more sales in marketing and retail positions. Good looks are a trait that both men and women find important. Appearance, and the way you look, still matter. Despite all the researches and surveys, some factors that I know for sure that can help you be successful in all that you do is personality, intelligence and displaying confidence (a topic I discussed in a previous posting). This is important to remember. 

Even though judging others by their looks is in our nature, it is also possible to look beyond that. Remember the wise old sayings, “don’t judge a book by its cover” and “everything that glitters is not gold.” A topic I discussed in a previous post. Displaying and having self-confidence can take you beyond your dreams. People will not believe in you if you do not believe in yourself. Regardless of whether or not you are considered “good looking,” it is important to display that you are self-assured. 

People cannot believe in you if you do not believe in yourself.
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  1. I find this to be very true. I know of many women and men who were promoted to positions because of their looks. The bottom line is can they perform their job as expected after getting the promotion.

  2. Very True......but when they hire for looks they better be ready for the unexpected

  3. People are hired all the time for their looks. I enjoyed reading this. It is true.


What do you think? Does Appearance Affect Career Advancement and Pay Rates?